My fascination with women started at a very young age, probably as early as I could hold a pencil. At first it was princesses and fairies, soon it turned into fashionistas, and later they became mature and sophisticated women.
When I became an illustrator, women were already central to my signature style. Back then, I used very few shapes and played with negative space to get to the essence of femininity. I wanted my characters to feel universal and almost anonymous by focusing all my energy on a few strokes and details to convey the overall form.
As my interests evolved, so did my style. I started approaching female characters in more detail, bringing in shadow and volume, and in doing so infused the women I drew with more life and personality. Suddenly, it wasn’t about paring down conventional beauty, it was about telling a story.
Mrs Dalloway
Union Square and Co, 2021
Editorial cover
Written by Virginia Woolf
Wuthering heights
Union Square and Co, 2020
Written by Charlotte Brontë
Editorial cover
Union Square and Co, 2018
Written by Bram Stocker
Editorial cover
The New Yorker, 2021
Editorial illustration
Personal work, 2015
Dame du Soir
Personal work, 2016
Le Boudoir
Vanity Fair, 2016
Editorial cover
La Bohème
Westbury Hotel, 2015
Poster illustration
Petits Plaisirs
Editorial cover